Prestashop Multi Vendor Module| Marketplace Pro

Prestashop Multi Vendor Module

Prestashop Multi Vendor Module| Marketplace Pro

  • best module Marketplace for Prestashop
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

Marketplace Pro Module is a Perstashop Multi Vendor Marketplace that allows you to set up a flexible marketplace on your ecommerce store and allow your customers to sell their products.

  1. Full seller management
  2. Powerful seller dashboard
  3. Payment management with multiple payment options
  4. Multishop supported
  5. No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our Marketplace Prestashop module on the Prestashop official marketplace.

Overview of Marketplace Pro Prestashop Multi Vendor Module

Easily turn your shop into a marketplace and let your customers sell their products. Market Place Pro module from FME Modules offers all the amazing feature that is required to have an online marketplace.

Customers can sell multiple products and track their sales while merchants can increase their revenue by charging a fee on sales.

Customers can easily create their seller account which enables them to build a catalog of their products and sell them. They can also make changes to the existing products, know the status of the orders and make withdrawals. The seller dashboard shows sales and revenue in a graph.

Prestashop Multi Vendor Module gives powerful options to admins as well like holding time. Holding time means admin can hold payments for a specific time. Seller Fee allows admin to set fee on each sale that sellers do, allowing them to earn extra money at the same time.

This module does not use overrides to modify PrestaShop core resulting in high stability of your site.

Key Features of PrestaShop Marketplace Pro Module

  • Dashboard: Seller can view his revenue details and history through graph, Seller can see Recent Orders, Pending Orders and Pending Products from dashboard
  • Products: Seller can add new products, edit existing product and delete product
  • Orders: Seller can see their product order details, view order status and can search for any particular orders
  • Payment details: Seller can manage their payment methods and payment details which is used when their payment is done by admin.
  • Transaction details: Seller can also see their total transaction details with paid, cancel, success and pending.
  • Seller can add videos, combinations, shipping methods, shipping fees etc to their products
  • Seller can make their products featured which will be highlighted on the homepage
  • User can now view seller profile, his rating and the contact as well
  • Full vendor/seller management
  • Set auto approval for new vendor requests
  • Full product management
  • Allow products, admin can review, make changes and approve/reject the products uploaded by vendor
  • Option to set auto approval for new products
  • Set minimum withdrawal amount
  • Set "Payment Holding Time" in minutes, hours and days
  • Admin can set the order status that will add amount to seller account
  • Admin can also set the order status that will cancel the amount
  • Payment management allows admin to set multiple payment methods
  • Allow/disallow any payment requests by the vendor
  • Admin can also set "Seller Fee" in percentage on product sales
  • Option to include Tax in "Seller Fee"
  • Admin can see all the details for the commission he has earned
  • Multilingual and Multi Shop supported
  • New Graph chart on Dashboard
  • Added Extra product creation options like pricing, combination, features, shipping, seo, options
  • Added sellers block on home page with BO settings
  • New sellers page which lists all sellers
  • New Seller products page which lists selected seller products
  • Added sellers info block on product detail page
  • Ability added to create products with combinations
  • Option to show vendor products as feature
  • Administrator has option to disable featured items of sellers
  • Option for sellers to add videos to their products
  • Option for sellers to select hook for videos
  • Option for sellers to add multiple images for products
  • Option for sellers to add carriers to their items
  • Option for sellers to add SEO tags
  • Option for sellers to add barcode
  • Option for sellers to add combinations
  • Option for sellers to add delivery time
  • Option for sellers to add extra costs
  • Option for sellers to add features
  • Option for sellers to add sale labels
  • Option for sellers to use editor for descriptions of products
  • Option for contacting seller through message
  • Option for adding seller to favorites
  • Seller has now profile page also
  • Option for seller to import products from CSV
  • Product page shows more info like Total products, date of creation, products sold
  • Cart page shows information about each product with its seller
  • Seller also able to create discount/cart rules
  • Front end shows commission earned by seller
  • Seller can show map location on his profile page
  • Seller profile page shows best seller, discounted, all products
  • Back end showing commission earned by admin
  • New Feature: Option added to add and show seller name different than his actual profile name
  • New Feature: Option to show/hide email address of the seller and also other sensitive details
  • New Feature: Extra fields added for a seller like VAT/CNI/Tax number etc...
  • New Feature: Added a banner block that the seller can modify as he wishes on his profile page
  • New Feature: The product page now displays the seller display name rather than the actual name

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