Prestashop Cart & Order Restrictions - All in One
Prestashop cart restriction

Prestashop Cart & Order Restrictions - All in One

  • best module Add Cart & Order Restrictions
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7 - v8.xx

One module to control them all, Prestashop Cart & Order Restriction fits this description perfectly. This all-in-one Prestashop restriction solution gives you the ability to customize your store as you deem fit. Each restriction can have multiple criteria and conditions. Cart and Order Restriction contains:

  1. Restrictions based on order quantity 
  2. Restrictions based on user groups
  3. Payment method-based restrictions
  4. Shipping method-based restrictions

Click to visit our Prestashop Cart & Order Restriction module on the Official Marketplace of PrestaShop.

Prestashop Cart & Order Restriction Module is a combination of four different modules that allows you to put various restrictions on your store. Instead of purchasing four modules, you can get Cart & Order Restriction at a much-discounted price with full functionalities of all four modules. There isn't a single online business that didn't need some sort of control over its purchasing funnel, sometime you need to show one payment method to one customer and some other payment method to another, likewise you might need to restrict one product or category from a specific customer group. There are hundreds of scenarios where Prestashop default functionality does not cater to the problem you are facing. Our one module can take care of all these issues and many more without any hassle. 

Cart & Order Restriction is a bundle of 4 different functionalities that are:

  • Restrict Customer Group: Allows you to restrict products, categories, or pages based on user groups
  • Restrict Order Quantity: Allows you to limit the number of products that users can purchase at a time
  • Shipping Method Restriction: Allows you to restrict shipping methods based on multiple criteria
  • Payment Method Restrictions: Allows you to restrict payment methods based on multiple criteria
Restrict Customer Groups:

Cart & Order Restrictions include Restrict Customer Groups option. This enables you to restrict CMS pages, categories, or products for customer groups. You can virtually create a separate shop with different CMS pages and products using this functionality of Cart and Order restrictions module and is very useful if you are offering B2B services. There is an option to show a customizable message to restricted users or to redirect them to some other page. You can also schedule the rule meaning after the specified date the rule will automatically get disabled. 

Restrict Oder Quantity:

Limit how many products can be ordered by a single customer using Restrict Order Quantity. Admin can create multiple rules based on different conditions i.e., rules can be applied to a single product or to whole categories. Admin can select the minimum and maximum quantity limit and user will only be allowed to order products within that limit. This is particularly useful in case you want to sell some products in a large quantity especially if you are dealing in B2B and want only bulk orders. Similarly, you can also use this functionality to limit some unique products to be ordered only once per customer. The product page will show a message letting the user know the limit of the order.

Shipping Method Restrictions:

This Module also include Shipping Method Restrictions that allow you to restrict shipping methods based on multiple rules. There are eight different types of conditions including cart range, cart weight, products, customer groups zip codes, etc to choose from. This allows the admin to show the most appropriate shipping method to the customer.

Payment Method Restrictions:

Payment Method Restriction allows you to restrict various payment methods and only show your desired payment method to your customers based on various rules. Admin can create multiple rules each with its own conditions. There are eight different conditions to choose from. Admin can schedule each rule with start and end dates.

Features Offered by Cart and Order Restrictions Module

Restrict Customer Groups:
  • Create multiple rules to manage visibility for different customer groups
  • Restrict specific products, categories, and CMS pages
  • Option to display customized messages to restricted customers
  • Option to redirect restricted members to different URL
  • Option to schedule restrictions using start and end date
  • HTML Editor for messages
  • Option added to hide products from the catalog
Restrict Order Quantity:
  • Limit order quantity based on minimum or maximum quantity
  • Show a customizable message to users who enter product quantities other than selected
  • Rules-based design
  • Option to apply rules to specific customer group
  • Option to apply rules on specific products or categories
  • Option to show a customizable error message to users
  • Option to schedule rules
Shipping Method Restriction:
  • Restrict shipping methods for a particular product
  • Restrict shipping methods for one or more categories
  • Create a rule based on the Total Cart value
  • Option to allow cart value with or without tax
  • Option to allow total cart value with Shipping and Discounts
  • Option to allow total cart value without Shipping and Discounts
  • Option to total cart value without Shipping but With Discounts
  • Create a rule based on total cart weight
  • Restrict shipping methods based on user groups
  • Option to create rules if a voucher is used
  • Schedule rules for later dates
  • Restriction based on Zip Codes
  • Restrictions based on Cities
  • Each condition has its own Enabler/Disabler to improve management
Payment Method Restrictions:
  • Restrict payment methods based on specific products
  • Restrict payments methods based on categories
  • Restrict payment methods based on cart range
  • Option to include Tax in cart range
  • Option to set cart range with shipping and discounts
  • Option to set cart range without shipping and discounts
  • Option to set cart range without shipping but with discounts
  • Schedule any cart rule for later dates
  • Restrict payment methods by Brands
  • Restrict payment methods by Suppliers
  • Block added on product pages showing available payment methods
  • Option to show hide or change heading for product page block
  • Restriction based on time of the day or day of the week
  • Restriction based on Zip Codes
  • Restriction based on Cities
  • Each condition has its own Enabler/Disabler to improve management
  • Option to show the customizable message to the user on the payment step

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