Prestashop Gift Wrapping at Checkout
Prestashop Gift Wrapping

Prestashop Gift Wrapping at Checkout

  • best module Add Gift Wrappers at Checkout
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7.x - v8.x

Prestashop Gift Wrapping Module allows you to offer a gift wrapping option at checkout to your customers. Get more out of your order while giving an attractive user experience to your customers.

  1. Gift wrapping at the checkout
  2. Option to show multiple gift wraps
  3. Option to customize each gift wrapping option
  4. No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our Prestashop Gift Wrapping Module on PrestaShop Official Marketplace.

Prestashop Gift Wrapping on Checkout Module is a must-have add-on for your online shop if you are offering items that are used as a gift. By installing this module you can give your customers an option to gift-wrap their purchased items. On one hand, this is a very convenient option for users who want to send a gift and on the other hand, this allows shop owners to increase their average cart value.

Admin can add multiple gift wrapping options from the backend that can have a different price and image for each. You can also select which gift wrap option is visible with which product essentially allowing you to show only your selected wrapping option to particular products. Admin can also include or exclude tax prices with the gift wrap. 

Check out video below for details:

Features offered by Prestashop Gift Wrapping at Checkout Module

  • Allows your customers to add gift wraps at the checkout step
  • Show multiple gift wraps to your customers
  • Admin can add multiple gift wraps at the backend
  • Option to have different price, title and image for each gift wrap
  • Admin can add a custom message with each wrap option
  • Option to include tax with wrapping price
  • Option to allow customers to select more than one gift wrap
  • Option to restrict each gift wrap with specific products
  • New Feature: Option to add gift wrap for the whole Category
  • New Feature: Option to add gift wrap for the Suppliers, Manufacturers

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