Prestashop Restrict Access to Shop By IP, Country & User Agent Module
Prestashop restrict shop access

Prestashop Restrict Access to Shop By IP, Country & User Agent Module

  • best module Restrict Access to Shop
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7 - v8.x

Restrict access to your store pages by IPs, Countries, or user agents using our Prestashop Restrict Access to Shop By IP, Country & User-Agent Module. Show customize message to your restricted customers. 

  1. Restrict one or more countries
  2. Restrict internet browsers
  3. Restrict whole shop or selected page
  4. No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our Prestashop Restrict Access to Shop on PrestaShop Official Marketplace.

Restrict Access to Shop Module is the latest addition to the FMM modules catalog that lets you limit access to your store pages. There are multiple rules that you can select to grant access to your customers. Limiting access to shop can have various uses, sometimes you need to ban access from a specific country or IPs because of spam, sometimes you need to limit access to particular products or categories to some countries as you are not delivering there. All of these case scenarios are catered to by our module. 

Restrict Access to Shop module allows you to restrict IPs or a list of IPs. You can also restrict whole countries as well as specific internet browsers. Restricting access to browsers come in handy in case that you know your site does not properly show on some browsers, you can let your customers know that they can access the shop through some other browser by using a customizable message option. 

Our Module also allows the admin to restrict access to the whole shop. Instead of whole shop, the admin can also limit access to specific categories. If you want to restrict access to just some particular products this can also be achieved using our module. WYSIWYG Editor gives you the option to show multi-media rich messages to your restricted customers letting them know why they are not allowed to access pages. 

Features offered by Prestashop Restrict Access to Shop By IP, Country & User-Agent Module

  • Restrict the whole shop
  • Option to restrict CMS pages only
  • Option to restrict one or more categories
  • Option to restrict access to one or more products
  • Option to restrict access for particular IPs and internet browsers
  • Option to restrict access for one or more countries
  • Show customizable messages using WYSIWYG Editor
  • New Feature: Option to enable disable each restriction separately
  • New Feature: Option to restrict users via upload from CSV files
  • New Feature: Option to add user agent version to block specifically
  • New Feature: Option to allow specific users to request for page approval, manageable from BO
  • New Feature: Option to redirect restricted users to other pages
  • New Feature: Option to schedule restrictions

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