Prestashop Age Verification on Entry Module
Prestashop Age Verification

Prestashop Age Verification on Entry Module

  • best module Validate the Age of Users
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7 - v8.x

Prestashop Age Verification on Entry Module is a must-have if you are selling products that are not meant for underage customers. After installing this module an age verification popup will be shown to all of your news customers whenever they first visit the site. Users will be able to visit the site only after they had verified their age. 

  1. Option to show popup on selected categories
  2. Show buttons or ask users to enter their date of birth
  3. Select cookie time according to your preferences 
  4. No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our Prestashop Age Verification on Entry Module on PrestaShop Official Marketplace.

Age Verification on Entry is the latest addition to the FME Modules catalogue. It allows you to verify your customer's age before they visit your site. An age verification popup will be shown to the new visitors and if declined, they will be redirected to some other site. Our Module also offers an option for uses to input their date of birth thus age is calculated automatically and if seems fit they will be allowed to visit the site. 

Age Verification on Entry Module is fully customizable as the admin can change the color as well as the text of the buttons and also backgrounds. Admin can also show an image in the background when the popup is being displayed, the opacity of the image can also be changed.

Instead of the whole site, if you want to set up age verification just on specific categories, Age Verification popup module will allow you to do that. Admin can set age verification on specific categories. Age Verification popup will only be activated when a customer visits those selected categories.

Features of Age Verification on Entry | Age Verification Popup Module:

  • Age verification popup for all the new users
  • Option to set up age verification for selected categories
  • Show Confirm or Decline buttons on popup or ask users to enter their date of birth
  • Option to set Age to verify when Date of Birth is selected
  • Redirect users to any site if they decline
  • Set up cookie time according to your own needs
  • Customizable title and description text for the popup with color
  • Option to add image on the popup
  • Background overlay option
  • Show solid colors or an image on the background
  • Option to set the opacity of background overlay
  • Bugs fixed for PS-1.7: The popup disappears on date entry
  • New Feature: Option to select full date day/month/Year
  • New Feature: Option to display a customizable message on the front before it redirects, for under age users

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