Prestashop Group Based Pricing Module
PrestaShop Group Based Pricing

Prestashop Group Based Pricing Module

  • best module Offer Discounts Based on User Groups
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

Prestashop Group Based Pricing Module allows admin to create rules for different user groups and offer them discounts. Rules can have conditions based on a number of criteria i.e currency, country, category, brand, etc.

No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our Prestashop Group Based Pricing Module on Official PrestaShop Store.

Prestashop Group Based Pricing Module

Offering discounts to users is a sure shot way to increase your sales and revenue. Prestashop Group Based Pricing Modules allows admin to give discounts to users based on the number of criteria. Admin can give discounts to a user group and then can give a different discount to other user groups.

Admin can create rules based on the number of conditions and the discount will only be visible when these conditions are met. Option to schedule rules allows admin to set discounts for a particular time period and after the end date, the discount will be disabled automatically.


A typical example would be that admin can offer a 50% discount to a user only when the customer is from a certain user group, visiting a store from a certain country and the product is from a certain category. Similarly, admin can create an unlimited number of conditions using a number of criteria available.

Features of Prestashop Group Based Pricing Module:

  • Option to create discounts based on user groups
  • Save time by applying complex discounts in less than 5 mins
  • Rules based on shop, country, currency
  • Option to set a condition based on stock quantity
  • Further conditions based on category, brand, supplier, attributes, and features
  • Admin can also create rules based on AND, OR logic
  • Option to schedule rules with start and end date
  • Price reduction based on fixed or percentage bases
  • Discount can include price with or without tax

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