PrestaShop Free Shipping & Advance Delivery Module | Shipping Rules Manager

Prestashop Free Shipping

PrestaShop Free Shipping & Advance Delivery Module | Shipping Rules Manager

  • best module Allow Free Shipping to Customers
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7 - v8.x

The purpose of this module is to attract customers/viewers to take this offer “PrestaShop Free Shipping Module” in your zone and buy the product. Free shipping can be provided based on multiple rules and criteria enabled by this Prestashop shipping module. The admin can also display custom messages above the offer using this simple and easy-to-use module.

  1. Calculate and adjust the shipping discount based on your shipping amount.
  2. Choose specific products to qualify for free or discounted shipping.
  3. Shipping Rules Manager rules on specific customer groups.
  4. The PrestaShop free shipping module offers free delivery for a limited time.
  5. PrestaShop advance shipping offer to display a custom message at the top of the page.
  6. Free Shipping is Based on Multiple Rules Like Product Category, Cart Value, and Product Weight "kg.”

Click to visit our PrestaShop Free Shipping Module on Official PrestaShop Addons.

PrestaShop Free Delivery & Advance Delivery Module

PrestaShop's Free Shipping and Advanced Delivery Module gives merchants complete control over shipping terms. This PrestaShop module lets you create highly customizable shipping rules, whether you're looking to offer free shipping for certain customers or apply advanced conditions such as total cart value or product categories.

The FME Modules PrestaShop module enhances customer satisfaction by offering customizable shipping options, helping to boost conversion rates. It allows you to accommodate specific shopping behaviors, such as providing free shipping on orders over a certain amount or on selected products.

Why Customers Should Use Our Services

  • Supreme Shipping Options: With flexible shipping solutions, including free shipping based on cart value or product category, our module makes it easy and affordable for users to shop.
  • Personalized Experience: Our module offers a variety of delivery options to suit different customer groups. This allows us to provide tailored offers for both loyal customers and newcomers.
  • Transparent Pricing: Shipping fees are clearly stated upfront so that there are no unpleasant surprises during checkout.

Use Case: PrestaShop Free Shipping & Advanced Delivery Module

Due to shipping costs, a PrestaShop-powered online home décor company experienced a high cart abandonment rate. The store introduced rule-based free shipping options, including free shipping over a particular amount (0) and category-based free shipping for lightweight items, by putting the PrestaShop Free Shipping & Advanced Delivery Module into practice. Additionally, they provided free shipping to VIP clients and imposed weight-based shipping charges on larger items.

What was the outcome? a 20% rise in average purchase value and a 15% decrease in cart abandonment as buyers added additional goods to be eligible for free shipping. Additionally, shipping benefits tailored to VIPs increased customer retention by 10%. By automating shipping procedures, the module increased customer satisfaction and saved time.

Prestashop Product Shipping Rate Calculator

Key Features of the PrestaShop Free Shipping & Advanced Delivery Module

Here we discuss a key feature of the Prestashop free shipping module:

1. Custom Message Display

To ensure a seamless shopping experience, customers must be kept informed. PrestaShop delivery module allows you to display a customized message at the top of your checkout screen, alerting your customers to active shipping promotions such as free shipping above a certain amount.

2. Free Shipping Based on Multiple Rules

PrestaShop's shipping module allows you to create multiple free shipping rules. You can configure conditions that suit your business, whether it is free shipping for specific products, categories, or the total value of your cart. Prestashop offers free shipping to customers as a way to attract them. By applying rules-based conditions, you can make sure that these promotions are aligned with your profit margins.

3. Create Rules Based on Product Categories

This feature lets you specify the product categories that qualify for Prestashop free shipping. You can, for example, offer a free shipping rate only on electronic items while keeping other products out of the equation. This will keep your shipping costs manageable. Merchants can run targeted campaigns to optimize their shipping costs.

4. Free Shipping Based on Cart Weight

Shipping costs vary greatly depending on the weight and size of the items you have in your cart. PrestaShop delivery module allows you to offer free shipping for certain weight ranges. This is especially useful for heavy or bulky items, where shipping costs could otherwise deter customers.

5. Time-Period Offer Specific Customer Groups

This module allows you to easily apply shipping rules for specific customer segments. This feature allows you to create customized promotions that appeal to different customer segments, whether you want to offer exclusive free shipping to VIP members or discount shipping for first-time buyers.

6. Scheduling Shipping Rules

Another advanced feature is the ability to set up shipping rules. You can set up shipping conditions beforehand, whether you want to give free delivery during a weekend sale or the holiday season. This saves time and ensures that your shipping offers are always in sync with significant sales events, allowing you to stay competitive during times of high demand.

7. Evaluate Shipping Discounts

Delivering discounts can play a large role in eCommerce profitability. The PrestaShop shipping module enables you to assess and readjust shipping price cuts by taking the delivery quantity right into account. This attribute is crucial for ensuring that shipping promotions do not wind up harming your bottom line. By meticulously taking care of shipping costs, you can strike the ideal balance between offering appealing discounts and preserving healthy earnings margins.

8. Selecting Products for Shipping Discount Conditions

The PrestaShop Free Shipping & Advanced Delivery Module allows you to select specific products that meet the shipping discount criteria. This feature is particularly useful for running promotions on best-sellers or high-margin items while excluding low-margin or bulky products from shipping deals.

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Frequently Asked Questions (4)

  • How do I make shipping free?

    The most common strategy for offering free shipping over a certain amount is to get some sales under your belt, determine your average order value, and then offer free shipping on all orders X% greater than your average order amount.
  • Can I offer free shipping to specific customer groups?

    Absolutely! You have the flexibility to segment your customers and offer free shipping based on various criteria, such as location, customer group, and order value.
  • What are the different types of free shipping?

    There are two types of free shipping you can offer: “conditional or unconditional." Conditional free shipping sets conditions for your customers to be eligible. Unconditional free shipping means the customer can receive free delivery on every order. The product or order value does not matter.
  • Can I combine multiple shipping rules in one promotion?

    Yes, you can combine different rules such as cart value, weight, and product category to create complex shipping promotions.