Top Banner Advance Module by FME allows you to promote the latest news, upcoming events, special offers or new sales in an attractive top banner or promo bar. Option to add call to action and timer.
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Click here to visit our PrestaShop Top Banner Advance on PrestaShop Official Marketplace.
The latest addition to FME Modules catalog is Top Banner Advance | Promo Bar module that lets you show offers and promotions in a top banner. The banner is totally responsive and you can also enable timers. Top Banner Prestashop module helps you increase the conversion rate by showing special offers site-wide as the user is always shown discounts and offers, this encourages them to click on the banner and visit the promotion page.
There is also an option to enable call to action in top promo bar. You can send visitors to the sales page or to one of the social media accounts. You can also redirect traffic to your specific page or another site.
The latest update includes the option to add an interactive promo bar which updates the information in real time i.e you can create an offer to give free shipping on $50 cart value, as the user cart value increase the top bar will show how much amount is left to get the free shipping.
You can now create rules for each promo bar to control when and where to show it. Three kinds of promo bar are available which you can create. Information type to just show some information i.e Holiday. Sale type promo bar lets you create bars with sale voucher and free shipping ones allow you to offer free shipping.