Events Management Trends in 2015: Gear up for 2016

Posted On: Sep 4, 2018

Categories: Shopping Carts & Platforms , Conversion Optimization

With the final quarter of 2015 in progress and already 1 month down, this year is winding down to come to a close. Studying how event management performed this year, various trends can easily be pointed out, which will be critical in future prediction models to gear up for what is yet to come next year. 

There are various categories in which the trends can be classified into: client nature and the events planner itself. Let us take a look how the trends will shape the future.


The client has evolved this year to favour productivity, scalability, on-the-spot decisions and adaptability. To achieve all this, the implementation of a well crafted module is necessary, like the Events Modules for PrestaShop by FME. This module has excellent rating on PrestaShop official Marketplace 

Interaction with Participants 

This year, clients showed trends towards interaction with clients. Some wanted to share their videos while other wished to contact through messages. Some relied on contact through email, phone numbers and letter. All this necessitated that the client be given services through which they can achieve all this.

PrestaShop Events Manager is the perfect module to cater to all these client needs. Event Content category allows information regarding the event as per say of client to be added. Moreover, videos can be uploaded regarding the event. Clients can make the most out of this option to interact with their attendees. 

If contact is preferred through personal interaction, address, personal contact, email and other fields regarding the event can be added to not only facilitate the participants but allow them to interact with the event manager. All these options make Events Manager a highly versatile and effective module.

Impulse Decisions 

Clients have shown a tendency to favour reactivity, where they can make changes in real time to their events. This requires a module which can be updated in real time and at the same time be effective in delivering the message, which Events module succeeds in excelling.

 With an extremely simplified back-end interface which has a one column format to display all the options and fields, you can be assured that event data can be changed as per client requests at the same time. Contact information and phone can be added for queries and address of events can be changed very easily.

Greater Degree of Control 

Clients now demand that they have a greater degree of control over how they run their operations and demand services which fulfil their needs. PrestaShop Events Calendar addon is the perfect aid in these situations, since it has all the necessary features laid in front of user to manage the events. 

Events schedule can be changed along with venue. Events location is displayed on Google maps for greater accuracy. Events can be linked to social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. With such adaptable features, this is the perfect module to manage clients with changing requirements. 

Event Planners 

Event planners are the most critical aspects of event management since they are responsible for handling and displaying all the information. It is a functional requirement for them to be reactive, adaptable, scalable and boast features that are required to successfully manage events. 

All these are present in PrestaShop Events module, which is created specifically keeping in mind what the modern customers want. With social media linking, Google maps location display and photo galleries, it is the module which is best suited to cater to the needs of modern customer.

Real Time Conversations

Participants at events are now displaying a unique trend: real time interaction with events planner. This interaction allows them to be updated on the events and give feedback. At the same time it is highly beneficial for the event planners to be updated on participant activities and how they are behaving.

This module permits addition of contact information, social media accounts among other fields which supply information to participants to contact with the planners. At the same time videos along with photos can be uploaded to galleries in real time to show how the event is fanning out.

Generate Sponsorships

Clients are now searching for events planners which can manage events for them and market their product. In return they grant sponsorships, which are highly beneficial for raising the standards, operations and reputation of organizations. 

With an effective and functional module such as Events Manager at your disposal, you can be assured you have one of the most competent modules in the market to enter the competition to win sponsorships.

With interactive features to display Photos and Videos on galleries, the product can be successfully promoted. Along with other features such as Google Maps address display, personal contact information and event description, you can relax and be assured that the planned event will be a huge hit.

Successful Events Planning 

An event is only as successful as it has been planned. Without the proper tools, even the best of ideas fail miserably. 

This requires that a specifically designed module like Events Manager for PrestaShop be used, which relies on its ability to display all necessary information in a concise and neat manner to participants.

The back-end is designed to be simple with fields displayed in a one column display for ease of use. All fields are simple in nature, disregarding most complex designs. Events start, end timings and dates can be added along with logo. Venue added is displayed on Google Maps for participants to know directions. 

Contact Information is given so feedback can be generated and queries handled. Social media linking can hit the event to viral levels as more of the public knows about it. The addition of videos and photos in gallery is the perfect way to capture interaction, as more clients are inclined towards multimedia interaction.

Choose the right Events Planner 

Presentation is the key to achieving the perfect event. All this relies on what kind of module is being used, as it is the deciding factor in how the participants will perceive the event. With a highly functional and reactive module such as PrestaShop Events Manager by FMEModules at your disposal, you can be assured your performance will not only win you sponsorships but create successful events.