Strangeloop Case Study: How can you Get a 66% Boost in Conversions by Implementing a Quick Checkout

The checkout process is a key point in the customer journey. Every e-commerce site has a checkout option for customers to buy and pay for products. Conversion rates are the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, like buying a product or signing up for a newsletter.

In this blog, we will learn more about how implementing a quick checkout can boost conversions by 66%. Prestashop FME Modules "one-step checkout" enhances your business's sales and boosts conversion rates.

Why checkout speed is important for conversions? 

Customers don't want a complicated or slow checkout when they are ready to buy. Slow checkouts can lead to frustration and potential buyers abandoning their carts. Studies show that 70% of online shopping carts get abandoned due to long or difficult checkout processes.

Fast checkouts capitalize on customers' desire to complete their orders. Businesses can boost conversions by removing unnecessary fields or steps that cause customers to abandon their carts. Quick checkout is a simple, effective process. It cuts the steps for a consumer to complete their purchase.

Features often include:

  • One-click checkout (popularized by Amazon)
  • Minimal form fields (only essential information required)
  • Saved customer information for faster future purchases
  • Multiple payment options, such as digital wallets or payment gateways like PayPal and Apple Pay

Strangeloop Case Study

To demonstrate the practical effects of non-optimized checkout pages, a company named Strangeloop coordinated with an online business experiencing a sudden drop in conversion rates.

Even though the business had an average number of visitors, it was failing to sell products. The analysis confirmed that the majority of leads ended up in shopping cart abandonment. This is only caused when the customer reaches the checkout page and bails, so it was held as the main culprit.

Optimizing the Checkout Page

With the problem in sight and the goal of increasing conversions, different pages with varying characteristics were created. A/B testing was implemented since it promises to evaluate the best solution per scenario. On some pages, intentional delays were added to see how the customers would react. In others, Multistep and Quick Checkout were used to see which would yield more conversions.

The results were striking. Even a 2-second delay in any of the multistep checkout pages had a profound impact. Only 2 out of 15 customers completed their sales, causing a significant 60% drop in conversions overall. This underscores the urgency of the issue and the need for immediate action.


How do I boost conversions?

The choice of checkout module can boost conversion rates. Choosing Quick Checkout over Multistep has become a rising trend. Even though Multistep remains the preferred choice among many users, it has slowly become outdated with its many-page approach. Customers are now looking for fast-paced checkouts that quickly accept information and process sales in a minimum of time.

1. Quick Checkout Module

Quick Checkout plugins, such as the PrestaShop Checkout Module by FME, are excellent for implementing on the field to get results. In this study, a quick checkout was implemented to see how conversion rates would be altered.

2. One Step Solves All Problems

Instead of opting for many different pages to keep loading one after the other when information has been added, quick checkout is a simpler choice that eliminates these problems. In the case study, a 60 percent drop in conversions was seen when multistep checkouts were used. This was attributed to the loading time between each page.

One-step checkouts only need one page to enter all data, so they proved a much faster choice. With a one-step checkout in place, the site immediately experienced an over 60 percent increase in profits, with leads finally resulting in conversions. 

3. Optimized, Streamlined, and Efficient User Interface

User experience is critical in deciding how the product and services will be perceived. Modules such as Prestashop one-click checkout are specifically designed to cater to customers' needs with their reliability, speed, and efficiency of operations.

4. Adapts to Mobile Platforms

Eighty percent of customers shopping online do so from mobile devices, making mobile-optimized checkout pages critical for the majority of stores. The quick-order module fits this bill with its ability to scale according to user hardware. It appeals to the majority of customers because the fields can be set as the admin wants, there are numerous themes to choose from, and there are many options to change the page's outlay.

5. Minimum Questions Asked

Customers are picky about giving confidential information online. Asking for too much data can cause them to abandon the site. Thirty-three percent of customers cited intrusive sites as the reason for abandoning their carts.

Our company has successfully increased conversion rates by implementing quick checkouts. This approach minimizes the number of questions asked, uses concise fields, and allows for the creation of new fields to replace old ones. As a result, more customers are willing to enter their data, leading to a boost in our conversion rates.

6. Increased Page Security of Quick Checkout

Quick Checkout isn’t just about being better; it is also about providing your customers the security they need. Only then will they be willing to purchase the product? During page refreshes in Multistep, the customer is prone to phishing attacks, which can steal data. The site can hang from DDoS attacks, during which cybercriminals move in to steal data.

With a single page handling all data, the risk of crashing during operations is close to zero. This protects customers from data theft from new pages or cyber criminals who want to freeze the site and steal valuable information from live customers.

PrestaShop One Page Checkout Module is a rising star in the market because it promises results via practical implementation and has been deemed effective after extensive A/B Testing. It is one of the surest ways to find out how successful an approach is through its application for live field testing and monitoring factors such as visitors, customers, and conversions.

Shopping Cart Abandonment: A Major Threat to Business Growth

The main problem many sites face nowadays is a need for conversion rates. Despite having invested heavily, visitors tend to browse the site catalog but do not purchase products. Customers often go halfway through the process of purchasing a product to abandon the site at the shopping cart.

Twenty percent of customers simply abandon a site if it is not optimized for their experience. They will never return to the site, even if they intend to purchase similar products. Quick Checkouts have shown significant potential in terms of both theory and field testing. The Single Page Checkout Module eliminates multiple pages for entering information. It simply displays all relevant information on one single page that can easily be filled out.

Since the majority of customers are now tech-savvy and prefer sites built to their needs, the fast checkout module is a perfect addition to websites. Designed to deliver on many platforms, including smartphones, which are extensively used (close to 80% of users), it has shown excellent results, with an over 66% boost in conversion rates.


PrestaShop One Page Checkout, for example, has shown the potential to increase sales by up to 150 percent in other studies. With practical implementation made easy, a success ratio yielded through A/B testing, and many positive reviews from online businesses, it is time to embrace the change in marketing and evolve to get ahead in the competition. Quick Checkouts are a better marketing model. They cut costs and boost sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good checkout completion rate?

If your checkout completion rate is above 62.6%, your checkout is quick, smooth, and efficient. However, if it is less than 30%, you may have to allot resources to improve (and optimize) it.

What are the disadvantages of self-checkout?

Self-checkout can be challenging for customers with complex items. They may need extra help or verification. Checkout may fail for items with irregular shapes, damaged barcodes, or age restrictions, which can cause frustration and delays.

Why is it important to increase the conversion rate?

Optimizing your conversion rates can boost your revenue and growth and maximize your business's potential. Try different strategies and tactics to identify what works best for your target audience and business goals.

What is the conversion rate on the checkout page?

The checkout conversion rate measures how many visitors complete a purchase after starting the process. It's a vital metric for online businesses, as increasing it directly boosts revenue. This guide explored why conversion rates are important, how to calculate them, and the common reasons for checkout abandonment.