Boost Your Online Store with FME Module Prestashop Product Tabs

FME Modules Prestashop product tabs are highly recommended modules in the add-on and website. They are helping to improve your online store. Product pages are a very important part of any e-commerce store because they inform customers about your products and persuade them to purchase at your store.

Prestashop product tabs play an important role in your store to improve the user experience to boost your sales in the market. FME Modules Prestashop tabs allow you to add extra custom tabs on your product pages.

Making use of the multiple product tab option in this module allows you to well organize and display detailed product information, increase user experience, and improve navigation.

Benefits of Prestashop Product Tabs Module

The PrestaShop Product Tabs module allows you to add custom tabs to product pages, which improves product organization and provides extensive information for a more engaging customer experience.

Increased Product Efficiency

PrestaShop product tabs allow you to break down detailed product information into categorized sections such as descriptions, features, reviews, specifications, and FAQs.

Improved User Experience

Tabs allow customers to quickly find the information they need without having to scroll down a whole product page. Users can easily access specific details with tab navigation. This improves overall satisfaction and engagement.

Boost Conversion Rates

Customers can make better decisions by providing them with essential information such as product details, reviews, and shipping policies. A more clear and accessible layout will reduce confusion, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Enhanced Mobile Friendly

Tabs are a great way to make mobile shopping easier for shoppers, as they eliminate the need to scroll down through product details. Tabs make it easy to access important information on mobile screens.

Better Visual Appeal

Tabs help to create a professional, clean design by logically arranging the information. This will increase the visual appeal of your product page and make it look more polished.

Types of Product Tabs in PrestaShop

Let's take a journey into the world of PrestaShop and explore the diverse array of types of Product Tabs in PrestaShop. These tabs are your digital toolkit for delivering organized and effective product information to your eager customers.

1. Description Tab

This tab is the storyteller of your product. It's where you can weave a compelling narrative, describing the features, benefits, and unique qualities that make your product shine. Think of it as your digital shop assistant, introducing customers to what they're about to experience.

2. Specifications Tab

For tech-savvy shoppers, the Specifications Tab is a treasure trove. You can dive into the nitty-gritty details, from dimensions to technical specs. It's the go-to tab for those who crave precise information.

3. Reviews Tab

In the realm of social proof, the Reviews Tab reigns supreme. Here, your customers become your advocates. They share their experiences, opinions, and feedback to help potential buyers make informed decisions.

4. Custom Tabs

You can create them to fit your unique needs. Create them according to your needs. You can showcase videos, user guides, or certifications. You can present extra information using Custom Tabs in a manner that is perfectly aligned with your product and brand.

5. Home Page Tabs

Prestashop Home tabs module allows you to assign specific products to each tab. This add-on home tab is available on the FME Module website.

Each of these Types of Product Tabs in PrestaShop serves a distinct purpose, catering to the diverse preferences and needs of your customers.

Include Multiple Tabs on Product Pages

Add Multiple tabs to your product page and fill it with the additional information you consider valuable. It is a perfect way to keep customers aware of key product features, thus increasing online sales.

Make your website product pages more informative and interactive by adding extra tabs to the pages. Providing valuable information is an effective strategy for captivating customers and enhancing conversions for your products. You can introduce links, images, videos, and text information easily without any compatibility issues through the Additional Tabs PrestaShop plugin.

Case Study ( Improving Your Store Efficiency with Prestashop Product tabs )

A clothing store using Prestashop simplified its product pages by adding tabs. They organized information like sizes, materials, and customer reviews into separate sections. This made it easier for customers to find what they needed without scrolling through long pages.

As a result, the store saw a 15% increase in sales and fewer people leaving the site quickly. The tab also worked well on mobile devices, making shopping easier for everyone and helping to improve customer satisfaction and overall sales.


FME Modules PrestaShop product tabs can make your store more attractive. The tabs help to organize the product information into sections that are easy for users to navigate, such as descriptions, specs, and reviews. This makes it easier for your customers to find exactly what they want.

This makes your site more professional, improves sales, and enhances the shopping experience. Tabs are also available on mobile devices to make browsing easier. By making product pages clearer and more engaging, they help to convert customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Product tab?

Product tabs are used to include most of the content that you can place on any product page. They are called "tabs" because, in the eCommerce Console, they appear as tabbed Content Editors.

What is the use of a custom tab?

By using a custom tab, your web content will load in whatever rendering engine powers your user's preferred browser. Any API or web platform feature is available there and will be available in your Custom Tab.

How do I add items to PrestaShop?

To add a new product, go to the Catalog page > Products then click on the New Product button.

What is tab Content?

Tabs can be used on a website as a way of dividing content into meaningful sub-sections and can be used to prevent the need for multiple pages around a similar topic. Tabbed content occupies less screen space so the user can intuitively and efficiently access relevant content.