Configuring PrestaShop Restrict Payment Method Module the right way

Posted On: Jul 27, 2023
Categories: Marketing
An online store that is operating in multiple regions may want customers to pay through a method available and easily accessible in their region. However, every payment method has a defined territory.
If they are not operating in an area where your potential customer resides, you may want to restrict those uses from checkout with that particular payment method. Similarly, a payment option may not be suitable for a set of products and categories. These and some other conditions may compel the store administrators to put restrictions. To help them manage an eCommece store effectively, PrestaShop Payment restrictions is a useful tool.
Be default, PrestaShop allows you to confine payment options by customers, shipping carriers, currency, and country. To advance the functionality, you may need the module to create rules and automatically stop users from proceeding with a payment option that is not meant for them.
With PrestaShop Payment Methods, you can restrict payments on specific products, categories, days, cart, users, cities, zip codes. The module comes with the following key attributes:
- Restrict payment mentions by particular products or categories
- Restrict by brands or suppliers (New Addition)
- Disable payment methods for specific customers, & cities
- Apply restrictions to any specific day of the week
- Schedule payment restriction with a start and end date
- Define a cart amount range for restriction rules.
- Include tax for the cart amount range
- Add cart amount range for shipping and/or discounts
- Show available payment methods on product page
- Display a customizable message on payments rules
How to configure Restrict Payment Options PrestaShop module?
Equip your PrestaShop store with this modern functionality by following this easy installation guide.
Step 1: Download PrestaShop Payment Methods
Step 2: Login to your store, navigate to the Module Manager to click Upload a module.
Step 3: Drag and drop the file you have downloaded in the first step and install the module.
Step 4: Upon installation, you will see an additional tab named as Restrict Payment Methods in the control panel. Click and start managing rules.
Step 5: Above the rules management list, find a plus (+) sign. Click and start creating rules for restricting payment methods.
Step 6: Click ‘Add New’ and fill the details. It includes:
- Add a title to restriction rule
- Choose payment methods to retrain
- Apply restrictions to:
- Categories
- Specific products
- Brands
- Suppliers
- Cart range
- Customer groups
- Cities
- Zip codes
- Days of the week
- Schedule the rule and save.
Step 7: You are good to go with the store. Create multiple rules to manage payment restrictions for a number of scenarios.
Step 8: Head to the front end of your store and check if the rule is applied or not. Test features you or let the quality assurance team to ensure it works well for the end users.
How PrestaShop Restrict Payment Method Module benefits your store?
The module benefits your PrestaShop store in a number of ways. Managing payment methods of different catalog items and customer groups manually is a difficult job. The tool automates the process for you, saves your time, and brings a number of other advantages. Let’s discuss it more.
Simplifies Region-Specific Payments
Allow customers of a specific city or zip code to checkout with a suitable payment option. It helps you define payment availability with respect to regional and location bound requirements. Regions where specific payment gateways are not allowed can be shown alternative ways of paying for the orders.
Improves Security
By restricting store visitors from using specific payment methods, you can stop fraudulent and spam activities on your store and checkout page. Using advanced options, you can restrain users from paying for a specific product or category. Putting a limit on cart amount can also help in recognizing high-risk payments.
Note: Apart from Payment restrictions, Prestashop has a number of modules that offers several functionalities to odd security layers, one of these modules is the Prestashop restrict by customer groups. Using this module you will be able
Reduces Cart Abandonment
Payment option is a major factor in an increased cart abandonment rate. If happens when customers continue to checkout without knowing either the payment options are available in their city or not. They are disappointed when they reach the checkout page, which leads to cart abandonment. With Restrict Payment Options PrestaShop, you can create a block of available payment options right on product pages.
Reduces Transaction Fees
Every payment gateway has a different pricing plan. Some may charge higher, others may be low. Doing it manually is difficulty that’s why store managers can automate the process. Put restrictions by city or zip code leads to better transaction fee management.
Enhances User Experience
Announcing available payment options provides a better user experience. They get to know about the payment possibilities before they make up their mind. They proceed with orders in possession of the facts. It leads to higher orders and conversion rate.
Helps in Testing
The module helps in recognizing the most helpful payment gateway for a city or customer group. It helps you to track conversion by restriction users to a specific payment method and checking which one they prefer the most. It leads to better strategy making for payment opportunities in future.
To optimize payment method selection on your store, PrestaShop restrictions is an effective module. It comes with a basic to advanced features. It includes putting limitations by products, categories, cart ranges, brands, and suppliers, and lots of other key attributes. Using this tutorial, you can easily configure the module and take advantage of it.