Prestashop Pretty URL- Remove Id from URL and make Clean SEO Friendly URL

Pretty URL Module by FME Modules

Prestashop Pretty URL- Remove Id from URL and make Clean SEO Friendly URL

Over 550 Reviews & 19,000 Downloads on Prestashop Addons
  • best module Make SEO friendly URLs
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  • version PrestaShop
    v1.6.x - v1.7 - v8.x

Make your online store look super professional with neat URLs that are easy to read and optimized for search engines. The Prestashop Friendly URL Module by FME is as pretty as its name and a total game changer! Imagine your Prestashop store outranking competitors every single day, attracting more organic traffic and delivering a streamlined browsing experience.

So far, thousands of Prestashop Store owners have witnessed a significant improvement with using the Pretty URL Module in the form of improved search visibility, and reduced bounce rates. Our exclusive URL redirection prevents 404 errors, ensuring your customers always land where they should.

So why are you still going with the messy URLs of your Prestashop store? Jump to the next level with PrestaShop Pretty URL and unlock the potential of optimized navigation and search-friendly design.

1. Better User Interface
2. Automatically Clean URLs and Remove ISOs, filling for the missing Prestashop Remove ID from Url Feature
3. Auto Generate Meta Tags for Products, Categories, and CMS page
4. Fix duplicate URL issues that arise due to ID removal
5. Set Product URLs with or without categories in the URL
6. Full 301, 302, and 303 Redirection Management
7. Option to Generate robot.txt and sitemaps for flawless Prestashop IDs.
8. Facebook and Twitter Open Graph Setup

Why Choose Us

1. Fully Responsive with Multiple Layout Options
2. Best Prices and Offers
3. Easy to Install with User-friendly interface
4. No subscription fee
5. Free lifetime support
6. Free lifetime updates
7. Money Back Guarantee
8. Verified Quality by FME Modules
9. Multi-Store & Multi-Lingual

You can also download the Prestashop Pretty URL from the Prestashop Official Marketplace where it has received 500+ positive reviews and 20,700 downloads so far.

Highlighted Features of the Prestashop Friendly URL Module:

Pretty url

  • With the Prestashop URL clean feature, your Presta store URLs are now better optimized which improves search engine rankings.
  • The Clean Urls Prestashop module works seamlessly with custom modules

friendly url

Friendly URL PrestaShop, being one of the best Prestashop SEO URL Modules receives special attention from our developers. They are keen to enhance the functionalities and design of the PrestaShop SEO Friendly URL module at regular intervals. This provides our customers with even more powerful tools to optimize their online stores’ URLs and also enhances user experience.

The current version of SEO URL PrestaShop introduces more exciting features designed to streamline the SEO efforts and provide greater flexibility in managing the PrestaShop stores. With Clean URL PrestaShop one can experience a blend of features, highlighted in the video as well:

Overview of PrestaShop Friendly URL Addon

The Challenges of Default URLs in Prestashop Store

By default, the URLs of the product pages are not well-optimized for search engines and readability. The URLs are mostly comprised of numbers, IDs, and more such characters that could be confusing for users and Google algorithms alike. These URLs impact your site's SEO negatively and lead to poor user experience.

For example, you can consider a user landing on your product page with a URL like—it tells them nothing about the content they’re about to go through here. Plus, it is also difficult for search engines to rank such URLs on relevant queries. That’s why such links are the main hurdles to attracting more visitors to your e-commerce store.

Frustrated Users Mean Lost Opportunities

With unclean URLs, you are not only losing traffic but also the feature of shareability. The unprofessional URLs also reduce potential customers’ trust in your website and prevent them from engaging with your brand.

Furthermore, the IDS in URLs can sabotage your SEO efforts as these URLs can also lead to 404 errors.

PrestaShop Friendly URL Addon Is The Way to Go

You can easily deal with such challenges using the friendly URL Prestashop 1.7 and above version owners can use. This innovative Prestashop module is designed to change complex, and ID-filled URLs into human-readable ones. Thus, it is the quickest and easiest way to enhance the discoverability and navigation of your website.

Key Highlights of this Innovative Prestashop Clean Url Module

  • The Prestashop Pretty URL Module cleans your store URL from elements like numbers and IDs. This way there is a higher possibility of your product page ranking and driving organic traffic.
  • The integrated social graph feature of this module makes your store URL more shareable on different social media platforms. With clean URLs, your product looks more professional and shareable.
  • No more 404 errors as the robust redirection mechanism of these modules automatically handles URL changes and makes sure the old links point to the right new pages.
  • With clean URLs, the user experience improves as they can now better understand the website structure. For example, a URL like instantly communicates what the page is about. 

The Advantages of Pretty URL to Store Owners


Stores Using Prestashop Pretty URL Module 

Stores Not Using Prestashop Pretty URL Module

The Structure of URL

SEO-friendly, descriptive, and clean URLs.

Complex, ID-based URLs with numbers and characters.

Search Engine Optimization

Keyword-rich URLS Improve search engine visibility

URLs are difficult for search engines to index 

Experience of the User

Understandable URLs make the user experience better.

Meaningless URLs often lead to confusing navigation. 

Social Media Sharing

Professional and shareable URLs

Unattractive and hard-to-interpret URLs. 

URL Redirection

Automatic 301 redirection

Higher chance of broken links 

Issues of Duplicate Content

Resolves duplicates by removing IDs

Increased risk of duplicate content issues 


Clean URLs help boost customer’s trust. 

Messy URLs may reduce customer confidence

Experience on the Mobile


Poor navigation experience on mobile


Higher conversions

Lower conversions 


Better click-through rates

Lower CTR

Scalability of Store

Supports growth with structured URLs

Difficult to manage as the store expands

Top Features of Prestashop Pretty URL

1. Cleans Your Prestashop URL

The default URLs are difficult to understand in the Prestashop store. That’s where you can count on the Prestashop Pretty URL which automatically cleans your URL by removing numbers or any special characters.

The store admin can effortlessly clean the URLs from products, categories, suppliers, manufacturers, and CMS pages. Our SEO URL Prestashop module provides a report on duplicate and conflicting URLs for products and categories if they exist. Hence the store admins can easily troubleshoot and sort out the problem.

  • New and Improved interface so anyone could use it without any technical knowledge. 
  • You can easily remove the ISO language from the default language tab. 
  • You get separate URL settings for each page ranging from Product, Category, CMS, Brands, Suppliers, and more.
  • Offers the remove IDs/attributes feature
  • Automatically redirects the URLs and ensures to prevent the 404 errors. 
  • You can easily rewrite the URL structure of all page types separately.

Learn More About the Google URL’s Guidelines

2. Effective Meta Tag Manager

You no longer have to rely on a manual way of creating meta tags for your PrestaShop stores. Our updated PrestaShop SEO Friendly URL module adds an Auto Meta Tag Generator feature, that automatically generates meta titles, descriptions, and keywords based on variables. This advanced feature can save you time and effort along with improving the search engine rankings.

  • Auto Generate Meta titles, Meta Description and Meta Keywords
  • Auto Generate Meta for Homepage, Categories, CMS, and all Product pages
  • Variable-based architecture allows you to set Meta on time only and the module will change it for each product automatically
  • Full multi-language support helps you to generate Meta in any language

Manage Your Meta Tags

3. URL Redirects - The Best Feature of Prestashop Friendly Url

With the addition of 301, 302, and 303 redirection options in the PrestaShop module URL, the admin has greater control over managing URL redirects on your PrestaShop URLs. Whether you are restructuring your website or moving your current pages to a new destination, you can easily set up permanent or temporary redirects to maintain SEO equity and ensure a smooth user experience, while maintaining your current search rankings.

  • Option to set trigger type according to your server. It could be either .hatches file or controller-based.
  • Option to redirect all 404 error pages to Home or any CMS page
  • Redirects URLs with 301, 302, or 303 redirect types
  • Easily view all 404 pages with a report view and have the option to customize each page

Grab our URL Redirection Addon

4. Facebook and Twitter Open Graph

A current version of PrestaShop SEO URL is also offering the option to set up Facebook and Twitter Open Graphs.

The feature is helpful when your web pages are shared on social media platforms. Suppose a user shared your website link on a social media platform, the information would be automatically extracted from the webpages to display a title and description.

Open Graph feature resolves this issue with the Open Graph protocol, which allows you to have control over how your webpage appears on any social platform.

  • Option to set up open graphs for Facebook and Twitter
  • Option to upload a custom image, ALT tag for Twitter, title, and description for Facebook and Twitter
  • Support multiple languages

Add Social Graphs in PrestaShop

5. Robot.txt File Generation

Robots.txt is a text file, created to instruct the robots how to crawl pages on a website, also you can restrict the robots from accessing/crawling the important pages of your website.

The new Friendly URL Prestashop simplifies the process of creating and managing your website's robot.txt file. Customize directives to control search engine crawlers' access to specific areas of your site, improving indexation and ensuring that your content is properly crawled and indexed.

The store admin can easily generate a robot.txt file with a single click and can customize the existing robot file easily.

6. Sitemap Generation

A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Easily Generate Sitemaps for your Prestashop store with the integrated sitemap generation feature. Submitting sitemaps to search engines helps them discover and index your website's pages more efficiently, ultimately improving your site's visibility and ranking in search results.

  • Generate sitemaps for all URLs, only CMS pages, only Product pages or only Category page
  • Set the frequency of sitemap generation
  • Generate sitemaps for all languages in a single click
  • Add HTTP or HTTPS to the links included in the sitemap
  • Ping search engines when a new sitemap is generated
  • Include an Image in the sitemap
  • Include images from the CDN
  • Exclude pages from sitemaps that you do not want to add to the sitemap file
  • Supports multiple shops on a website

Generate Your Sitemap Today!

Reviews & Ratings (369)

Frequently Asked Questions (6)

  • Does the PrestaShop friendly URL module creates category tree?

    Yes it does create category tree for products URLs.
  • Can i remove the attribute ID in Prestashop’s Latest version?

    Yes, ID attributes can be removed easily from the products url. In fact attribute alias can also be disabled for a perfect URL structure.
  • How can we know about the duplicate URLs?

    Step 1: Use Module: Utilize the Friendly URL PrestaShop module. Step 2: Access Reports: Go to the duplicate URL reports section in the module's backend. Step 3: View Duplicates: See the display of all duplicate URLs.
  • How to enable to SEO-friendly URLs in the site?

    Step 1. Install Module: Use the Pretty URL PrestaShop module. Step 2. Access URL Cleaner: Go to the URL Cleaner section in the module's back office. Step 3. Remove IDs: Enable the "Remove ID" option for product, category, CMS, and other desired pages.
  • Why Friendly URL's not working in Prestashop?

    For making sure that your URLs are SEO Friendly, always make sure that the overrides are not disabled in your PrestaShop backend settings.
  • What is an example of a friendly URL?

    A friendly URL is one having no ID/Number and any special characters in it. Having these characters in a URL are not good for readers and crawlers a s well. For example the given URL below is an example for a poor URL; This would be a perfect example for a friendly URL.

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