PrestaShop FAQ and Product Questions allows you to place most common questions related to any product answered right on that product page instead of a separate FAQ page. Many advance features such as ratings, FAQ search, commenting and threaded views are included. Checkout the demo and see how easy it is to convince your visitors to become your customers.
Click to visit our PrestaShop FAQ and Product Questions on Prestashop Official Marketplace.
By using PrestaShop FAQ module you are clearing the confusions regarding most common queries right on the product page which makes your visitors satisfied and pushes them to click “Buy Now”. It eliminates the need to contact store owner for those types of queries.
Rating and Review feature in PrestaShop Ask a question Addon will not only be appealing but it can be set to show up in search result snippets giving more exposure to website. Instead of having a separate page for FAQ, provide relevant FAQ on product pages. The more value the customer gets, more chances are that they will come back and shop again.